Monday, October 21, 2013

Fly A Kite

Fly A Kite
September 13, 2013

I have childlike fun as much as possible.  If a kid would do it, I probably would, too.  Flying a kite was a suggestion from a friend, but it really fit my mantra!

I figured the best person to do this with would be my awesome, teenaged neighbour, Kelsey.  I was right.

On the day that we decided to fly kites, I realized that I didn't, in fact, own a kite.  Neither did Kelsey.  I didn't think this would be too much of a problem, but it was mid September, so I was wrong. 

I went to Walmart, Toys-R-Us and two dollar stores.  Luckily, the second dollar store had them, and in a two pack, no less! 

Kelsey & I went to the field behind the high school in our neighbourhood.  My kite went up straight away, but Kelsey's kept circling at high velocity, close to the ground.  Luckily, I had bought 4 kites, so we made the switch and her new one went up quickly after that.

A few people walked along the path close to us and commented on what a great night it was to fly a kite.  I couldn't have agreed more.  It was warm without a cloud in the sky, but with a bit of a breeze.  We really lucked out!

We hung out for about an hour and then the sun started going down.

Afterwards, it was time for some ice cream.

Om nom nom.